Franklin School for the Performing Arts |
Goal: This is a primary course which allows a child to move into any form of dance. Designed for 6 to 8 year olds, emphasis is placed on stretching and strengthening exercises making the child aware of body relationships. Only the rudimentary ballet positions are taught. Simple steps and arm movements (port de bras) are emphasized along with musicality and rhythm. It is in this pre-Ballet class that a child begins to learn the basic French ballet vocabulary. Each class will begin with a warm-up and proceed to barre and floor endeavors. A major focus of this class will be correct posture and alignment. Prerequisites: One or two years of a rhythm and movement type class. The ability to concentrate and a maturing attention span are necessary. Introduction to Ballet Goal: This class serves as a transitional class from Pre-Ballet to the rigors of Ballet I. Students begin a study of Ballet vocabulary. A complete barre is learned through the course of the year. Center work and diagonal work are included.Prerequisites: Completion of Rhythm and Movement and Pre-Ballet programs. Ballet I Goal: This program offers 8 year olds, depending upon ability and muscle development, the opportunity to begin an earnest study of Ballet. The focus of this class is the development of concentration and discipline which are mandatory in dance. Awareness of body line and form is enhanced by using mirrors. Concentration on correct technique is stressed as the students confidence and self-assurance are developed. There will be increased work at the barre as well as attention to foot and arm position. Leg and foot turn-out and foot development are begun. Simple combination steps are added to the childs floor technique. Adage, slow movement aimed at improving balance and line, is introduced during the year.Prerequisites: A minimum of one year in a pre-dance type program. The childs capacity to receive constructive criticism is important. A more mature attention span is necessary. Ballet I-A Goal: Ballet I-A is an advanced Ballet I class serving as a bridge to Ballet II. Prerequisites: Completion of Ballet I or by evaluation. Ballet II Goal: Placement in this class depends upon ability. Correct technique, including turn-out, foot development and leg extension will be emphasized. More complex diagonal floor exercises will be added to the class program.Prerequisites: A basic knowledge of the French vocabulary appropriate to Ballet. By invitation. Ballet IIA Goal: Placement in this class is by evaluation of technical skill. Ballet IIA is an advanced Ballet II serving as a bridge to Ballet III. More advanced adagio work and epaulement will be presented, and correct placement strongly emphasized. Children will be encouraged and supported in beginning simple choreography work. Prerequisites: Completion of Ballet II and evaluation. Ballet III Goal: The Ballet III class starts the transition from beginner to intermediate work. Placement in this level is based on a combination of physical maturity, self control and mastery of the concepts that form the basis of the Ballet I through Ballet IIA levels. Vocabulary such as pirouettes and performance skills begin at this level and will progress with the abilities of the students attending. Attendance twice a week is required at this level. Prerequisites: An audition is required. Ballet IIIAGoal: This is the class that begins its first year of pointe work, if the student has mastered the proper placement and technical skill in combination with strength and coordination. Guidance will be available for proper fit of pointe shoes and care of the feet. Attendance twice a week is required at this level. Attendance twice a week is required at this level.Prerequisites: An audition is required. Ballet IIIB Goal: Designed for students who are ready to begin intermediate level work in balee but may not choose to pursue pointe work. The class is also appropriate for students in other disciplines whose schedules may not accommodate the two ballet classes a week physically required for pointe. The class includes more advanced adage and allegro work and correct technique will be strongly emphasized. This class meets for 90 minutes. Prerequisites: By evaluation. Ballet IV Goal: Advancing technique will develop the ability to use steps in combination and develop quality of movement. Pointe class as part of the Ballet IV curriculum will depend on the students ability. Attendance twice a week is required at this level.Prerequisites: An audition is required. Ballet V Goal: Advancing technique work includes refining balance, multiple pirouettes, allegro and more concentration on styles. Ballet V is a required class for Dance Company members. Ballet IV/V Goal: A combined level technique class. Beginner Teen BalletGoal: An introductory ballet class for teens with little or no ballet experience. Students will begin a study of Ballet vocabulary. Barre, center and diagonal work are included with emphasis on basic ballet technique.